【英語リスニング・チャレンジ #175】
本日は、Espresso English チャンネルさんからです。
"8 English Grammar Mistakes Even Advanced Students Make"
1) × I wore a jeans.
○ I wore jeans.
○ I wore a pair of jeans.
wear /weə/ 「現在形」
wore /wɔː/ 「過去形」
worn /wɔːn/ 「過去分詞」
jeans /dʒiːnz/ ジーンズ
pants /pænts/ (米)ズボン、(英)下着のパンツ
shorts /ʃɔːts/ ショートパンツ
scissors /ˈsɪzəz/ ハサミ
glasses /ˈɡlɑːsɪz/ メガネ
'a pair of' 「一組の、一対の」
'two pairs of' 「二組の、二対の」
She's wearing glasses.
I bought a pair of shorts at the mall.
There's a pair of scissors on my desk.
I have two pairs of white pants.
2) × He loves team sports as soccer.
○ He loves team sports such as soccer.
○ He loves team sports like soccer.
アメリカでは、soccer ですが、イギリスは football です。
「例えば」という時は、'such as' や 'like' を使った方が「丁寧な言い方」になります。
3) × I didn't save money enough.
○ I didn't save enough money.
前々回の #173 で紹介していますが、'enough' は『名詞の前』か、「形容詞、副詞の後」につきます。
We have enough food.
You're not tall enough to go on the ride.
4) × I worked a lot in last month.
× We'll meet on next Monday
○ I worked a lot last month.
○ We'll meet next Monday.
「何月に」は、前置詞 'in'
「何曜日に」「何日にちに」は、前置詞 'on' ですが、
'last' や 'next' が付く場合は、前置詞はつきません。
5) × It was so long time ago.
○ It was so long ago.
○ It was such a long time ago.
▸ 'So' + adjective/adverb
She's so friendly.
This sandwich is so good.
He works so hard.
▸ 'Such a' + adjective + noun
She's such a friendly person.
This is such a good sandwich.
He has such a demanding job.
▸ 『複数』の場合は、'a' はつきません。
They are such friendly people.
There are such good cookies.
6) × I lent to him some money.
○ I lent him some money.
○ I lent some money to him.
▸ verb + indirect object + direct object
「動詞 + 間接目的語 + 直接目的語」
▸ verb + direct object + to + indirect object
「動詞 + 直接目的語 + to + 間接目的語」
He gave Rachel the keys.
He gave the keys to Rachel.
× He gave to Rachel the keys.
7) × Roller coasters make me to feel sick.
○ Roller coasters make me feel sick.
roller coaster /ˈrəʊlə kəʊstə/
▸ 'let' 'make' 'have'
Our boss doesn't let us leave work early.
My mom makes me clean my room.
I'll have my assistant call you later today.
▸ 'help'
to を入れることもできます。
Please help me carry these boxes.
Please help me to carry these boxes.
'help me carry'
と to が入らない形です。
8) × You stopped me make a mistake.
○ You stopped me from making a mistake.
▸ stop / prevent + from + 動詞 ing
The vaccine stops people from catching the disease.
vaccine /ˈvæksiːn/ 「ワクチン」
The waterproof covering prevents the equipment from getting wet.
では、下の動画をクリックして、Shayna さんの説明をご覧ください。
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発音記号の読み方は私の Yutube チャンネルで紹介しています。
1️⃣ 英語LC #01 - #30
2️⃣ 英語LC #31 - #60
3️⃣ 英語LC #61 - #90
4️⃣ 英語LC #91 - #120
5️⃣ 英語LC #121 - #150
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