

#209 on the line 危険にさらされて

【英語リスニング・チャレンジ #209】

本日の動画は、Maple Leaf ESLチャンネルさんからです。


"Quick Words - 'On the Line'"
「手短な単語 - 危険にさらされて」


on the line の意味は、

at serious risk of failing 「失敗する深刻な危険」

being harmed 「危害を加えられる」

being embarrassed 「恥ずかしい思いをする」


1) He put the job on the line when he directly disobeyed the boss' orders.

disobey  /ˌdɪsəˈbeɪ/ 「背いた、従順でない」

He has risked losing his job. 

His job is in danger. 

The boss might fire him.

2) Police officers put their lives on the line every day.

They could be killed or they could be harmed or injured

3) I really have a lot on the line with this game. I hope my team wins.

Probably I bet a lot of money on this game and I need this team to win.

If my team loses, that means I'm gonna risk failing. I'm gonna risk losing a lot of money.

4) I have a lot on the line in asking out this girl because I could be really embarrassed.

There's a girl and I really like her. I wanna go ask her on a date. All of my friends are here and they're gonna see me go talk to this girl.

If she rejects me, if she says no and she's not interested in me, I have a lot on the line in this situation. Because I'm risking failing or being embarrassed in front of all of my friends if I fail.



下の動画をクリックして、Maple Leaf ESLさんの説明をご覧ください。


📧 365日英語リスニング・チャレンジの動画を第1回から毎日メールでお受け取り頂けます。こちらのリンクよりお申し込み下さい。

発音記号の読み方は私の Yutube チャンネルで紹介しています。
1️⃣  英語LC #01 - #30
2️⃣  英語LC #31 - #60
3️⃣  英語LC #61 - #90
4️⃣  英語LC #91 - #120
5️⃣  英語LC #121 - #150
6️⃣  英語LC #151 - #180

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