

#181 前置詞 in/on/at/by

【英語リスニング・チャレンジ #181】


前置詞  preposition  /ˌprepəˈzɪʃn/


この動画は頻繁に出てくる on, in, at, by の前置詞について説明しています。

Am I at the car?
Am I in the car?
Am I on the car?




in the morning
at night
It depends on ...
He's keen on football.



1) In は「~の中」です

I've got the key in my pocket.

There's some milk in the fridge.

She left it in the top drawer.

There is nothing left in my cup.

I am in the car.

Can you take a seat in the waiting room please?

I've left my bag in your office.

Why don't we have a picnic in the park?

I'm filming this video in Spain.

I grew up in Melbourne.

Holidaying in France is easy if you speak French.

Rigolisa is a small village in the mountains.

We are going for a drive in the country.

Lots of people were swimming in the lake.

She works in the finance team.

He's got selected to play in the national team.

会社の上層部などは on になります。

He's on the board.
They're on the committee.

Careful! There's a lot of chilli in that sauce.

There's a lot of sugar in soft drinks.

Do you have milk in your coffee?


2) On は「〜の上」です。

My phone is on the table.

You can see a painting on the wall behind me.
(壁についているのも on です)

We live on the fourth floor. 

Can you write it on that piece of paper?

He's spilled ice-cream on his new jumper!

The supermarket is on the corner of Martin Street.

Nice is on the south coast of France.

What's that on the water?(水の上に浮いている)

We'll take you out on the lake.(ボートなどで)


3) At は点の場所です

Sarah's still at school.

I'll meet you at the bus stop.

Turn left at the traffic light.

I studied Design at collage/school/university.

Let's meet at the station.

We have to stop at the supermarket on the way home.

There was a crazy guy at the library today.

They live at 14, Eagle Road.

I'll meet you at the corner of Beach Street and Park Road.

I had a coffee at Helen's house.

 with は「〜と一緒に」です。
I had a coffee with Helen.

We met at a party.

He's speaking at the conference later this week.


4) Grey Area 白黒はっきりしないものもあります

It's on the corner.
It's at the corner.

The museum is on the south side of the city.
Your seat is on the left side.

Nice is in the south of France.

I'll see you at Melanie's house.
I'll meet you in the kitchen.

I'll meet you at the corner of Beach Street and Park Road.
I saw it in the corner of the room.

Write it on the paper.
Write it in in your notebook.
Write it at the top of the page.
Write it in the corner of the page.

I'm in the car.
I'm on the bus/train.

Sarah is still in school.
Sarah is still at school.

I think they are at the beach.(場所)
I think they are on the beach.(砂)

She is in the sea.
She is in the lake.


5) by は、「側に」「近くに」

I'm waiting by the car.
Put your bag by the door and sit down.

They live near the school.
They live next to the school.
They live by the school.


下の動画をクリックして Emmaさんの説明をお聞き下さい。


📧 365日英語リスニング・チャレンジの動画を第1回から毎日メールでお受け取り頂けます。こちらのリンクよりお申し込み下さい。

発音記号の読み方は私の Youtube チャンネルで紹介しています。

1️⃣  英語LC #01 - #30
2️⃣  英語LC #31 - #60
3️⃣  英語LC #61 - #90
4️⃣  英語LC #91 - #120
5️⃣  英語LC #121 - #150
6️⃣  英語LC #151 - #180

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