

#179 会話を中断する時の表現

【英語リスニング・チャレンジ #179】

本日は、JenniferESL チャンネルさんからです。


"English Conversation Skills: Learn expressions for interrupting"


interrupt  /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt/  「中断する、割り込む」



■ Did you take the trash out?

□ I'll do it in a few minutes.

■ The garbage truck will be here any minute, so...

□ Wait, Sorry to cut you off, but I need to reply to this message.

■ No this can't be wait. The truck will be here and ...

□ I know and I'm sorry to interrupt again, but I need to concentrate.

■ Oh, forget it! I'll do it myself.

▸ Interrupting informal expressions

Sorry to cut you off but...

I'm sorry to interrupt again but ...


■ So, Maria, I was thinking we could meet next Monday.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't help overhear your conversation. Are you talking to Maria?

overhear  /ˌəʊvəˈhɪə/  「~をふと耳にする」

■ I'm sorry, Maria. Michael just came in and wanted to tell me something. One second, please.

Yes, it's Maria. We'll talk after the call, okay?
Maria, does Monday morning work for you?

work  /wɜːk/  「(スケジュールの日時が人にとって)都合がよい」

I'm sorry, but I have to jump in here and tell you that Paul just scheduled a department meeting for next Monday. Maybe Maria can meet on Tuesday.

■ Maria? Michael just told me that we have a meeting here on Monday. Are you free on Tuesday?Great. Let's
「マリア? マイケルが月曜日は会議があると教えてくれました。火曜日は空いていますか?よかった、じゃあ」

I'm really sorry for interrupting again, but could I just say something? I need to tell you and Maria about the attachment I emailed earlier.

■ Oh, let me just put this call on speaker phone.

▸ Interrupting informal expressions

I'm sorry, but I couldn't help overhear your conversation.

I couldn't help overhearing your conversation.
I couldn't help but overhear your conversation.

I'm sorry, but I have to jump in here.
I'm sorry, but I have to jump in here and tell you...

I'm really sorry for interrupting again, but could I just say something?


では、下の動画をクリックして、Jennifer さんの説明をご覧ください。


📧 365日英語リスニング・チャレンジの動画を第1回から毎日メールでお受け取り頂けます。こちらのリンクよりお申し込み下さい。

発音記号の読み方は私の Youtube チャンネルで紹介しています。

1️⃣  英語LC #01 - #30
2️⃣  英語LC #31 - #60
3️⃣  英語LC #61 - #90
4️⃣  英語LC #91 - #120
5️⃣  英語LC #121 - #150


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