

#171 句動詞 'go off' 6つの意味

【英語リスニング・チャレンジ #171】

本日は、Anya Teaches English チャンネルさんからです。


"Phrasal Verb Friday: Go Off (6 meanings!)"
「句動詞 'go off' 6つの意味」


1)  To start to dislike something/someone or to stop liking something/someone.

I used to like that actor but I've gone off him recently since seeing him in the terrible movie.

You go off them (it/him/her etc.).

'go' は、不規則動詞なので時制によって不規則に変化します。

I have gone off him recently.  (present perfect 現在完了形)

I went off him.  (present simple 過去形)

I am going off him.  (present continuous 現在進行形)


Anya さんの Youtube の説明欄には他の例も紹介されています。

eg. "I went off red wine after drinking far too much of it at a party last year"

2)  To spoil. To become bad or inedible/undrinkable.

spoil  /spɔɪl/ 「食べ物が腐る」という意味の他に、「子供を甘やかす」という意味もあります。
inedible  /ɪnˈedəbl/   「(味が悪い、有毒)食べられない」
undrinkable  /ʌnˈdrɪŋkəbl/   「飲用に適さない」

If you buy milk and you don't put it in the fridge, if you leave it out of the fridge, It will go off pretty quickly.

▸ Youtube の説明欄にある例
e.g. "You should eat all that food you bought before it goes off!"

3)  Something mechanical that activates (e.g. alarm/bomb/gun/ fireworks)

My alarm on my phone goes off at 9 a.m. every morning.

▸ Youtube の説明欄にある例
e.g "Did you hear the neighbour's fire alarm going off yesterday? It was so loud!"

4.  To leave a place/situation.

I'm meeting someone in town and I say,

"Oh, where's Suzy?"
"She went off to buy a new phone. She went off somewhere."

▸ Youtube の説明欄にある例
e.g. "I came to the festival with Barry but he seems to have gone off somewhere. I'm not sure where he is."

5)  To stop working (gas/water/electricity/lights)

The gas, or the electricity, or the water might go off if you don't pay your bills.

You try to turn the tap, wash your hands and you can say,
"Oh no! it's not working! The water has gone off"

▸ Youtube の説明欄にある例
e.g. "The lights in the theatre went off and the show began."

6)  (Slang) To 'go off AT someone' 「スラング(俗語)」

To shout/scream/get mad or angry at someone.

I was having a normal conversation with my friend yesterday and suddenly she started going off at me about something.

▸ Youtube の説明欄にある例
e.g. "I told her I didn't much like her dress and she just went off at me!"


では、下の動画をクリックして、Anya さんの説明をご覧ください。


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発音記号の読み方は私の Yutube チャンネルで紹介しています。

1️⃣  英語LC #01 - #30
2️⃣  英語LC #31 - #60
3️⃣  英語LC #61 - #90
4️⃣  英語LC #91 - #120
5️⃣  英語LC #121 - #150

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