

#162 'Give' を使った日常英会話

【英語リスニング・チャレンジ #162】

本日は、Crown Academy of English チャンネルさんからです。


"Learn English speaking | Daily conversation with GIVE"
「'Give' を使った日常英会話」


5 common expressions with the word 'give'
「単語 'Give' を使った、よく使われる表現5つ」


'Give' は『不規則動詞』で、

past simple 「現在形」:  gave /ɡeɪv/
past participle 「過去分詞」:  given   /ˈɡɪvn/



1)  to give up
= to quit

I am trying to give up smoking.

□ Would you like a cigarette?
■ No thanks. I have given up.

Sarah gave up chocolate 2 years ago.

2)  to give something away
= to give something for free.

The supermarket is giving away T-shirts.

□ Do you want my old mobile phone?
■ How much are you selling it for?
□ Nothing. I'm giving it away.

3)  to give someone a hand
= to help someone

▸ to give someone a hand with something

I gave Mark a hand with his bags.

□ Please give me a hand with my homework.

▸ to give someone a hand to do something.

I gave Mark a hand to carry his bags.

□ Please give me a hand to do my homework.

4)  to give someone a lift (イギリス英語)
= to transport someone to their destination in your car.

□ We're going to the cinema. Can you give us a lift?

I give the children a lift to school when it's raining.

to give someone a ride

■ Can you give me a ride to the office?

■ I gave Mrs.Smith a ride to the supermarket yesterday.

5)  to give someone your word
= to make a promise to someone

Mark has given me his word that he will tidy his bedroom.

□ Do you promise to visit me in London?
■ Yes, I give you my word.

I don't believe that you will help me. Give me your word!


では、下の動画をクリックして、Andrew さんの説明をご覧ください。


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発音記号の読み方は私の Yutube チャンネルで紹介しています。

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